Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Taylor Lee

This is another post I should have posted a long time ago, but have not gotten to yet. The other night Lacey and I went to Ryan's intramural's game and Brett Lee is one of our great friends out here, he is on Ryan's team. Brett brought cute little Taylor, his adorable daughter, to the game and she got to sit by us during the game. It was a hoot!
She thought of the funniest faces to make for the camera. She made friends with Lacey real quick too. She even told Lacey that she wasn't a very good reader. Hmmm.
She is so funny. We had a great time "watching" Ryan and Brett play basketball that night. Shhh, don't tell them that we may or may not have actually been watching the big game. Good Job boys!

1 comment:

  1. how cute! i love taylor she is so dang cute! your back in hawaii and it looks like you are having a blast! Hope you don't mind that I found your blog!
